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SuperSquad America: The Originals

SuperSquad America: The Originals is a Hero System (Champions) roleplaying event run by Rod Currie at major gaming conventions like Gen Con and Origins.
Each year's event is a separate adventure in the lives of the Original SuperSquad America, America's first superhero team.

Year 1 of SuperSquad America: The Originals will be run at Origins 2009 and Gen Con 2009.

Here is the description for this year's event:

SuperSquad America: The Originals (Champions)

Hippies! Nixon! Nam! It’s 1970 and America’s first superhero team, the predecessor to the modern day SuperSquad America, battles to keep the country safe in an era of social change.

Roleplaying is emphasized in all SuperSquad America: The Originals events.

1970 Members

Lady Luck
Morning Glory
Professor Plasma
Silver Archer
Swift Justice


Other Members

Dancing Queen
The Bat





Contact Rod Currie, creator of SuperSquad America: The Originals.

Other roleplaying events by Rod Currie:

SuperSquad America
Remarkable Wrong-Righters
Friends of Justice

Saga of the Smiling Fox
The Team from H.E.R.O.

All character artwork for Challenger, Finesse, Gauntlet, Lady Luck, Morning Glory, Professor Plasma, Silver Archer, Swift Justice, Brainstorm, Dancing Queen, and The Bat was created using HeroMachine.

Champions is a trademark of DOJ, Inc., used by permission. All rights reserved.
 The HERO SystemTM ® is DOJ, Inc.'s trademark for its roleplaying system. See www.herogames.com for more information.
The HERO System and all associated games, game products, terms, and images are copyright © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. 
This web page includes copyrighted material, which is used by permission of DOJ, Inc. All rights reserved.